
Windows ce 6.0 iso
Windows ce 6.0 iso

windows ce 6.0 iso

After that, unmount it and change the image file extension from. After creating the floppy image, change the eboot.bin file with the one found under $(WINCEROOT)\PLATFORM\VirtualPC\BIN\BOOT. You can follow the steps written under Serial Connection for Vmware. Prepare a new floppy image to boot Virtual PC VM.Change both adapters to Microsoft Loopback Adapter. Assign 2 cards (one of the cards will be used for debug communication and the other is for “normal” network). If you choose using the physical network instead of virtual one, you may need to establish a connection with static ip. IMPORTANT: Using a dhcp server in a company network may cause problems. Configure the program and the server like the following pictures. After downloading it, copy it to the development vm and start the exe. An example with Tftpd32 will be explained here. Manually configure the network settings of the development image as following:.Change the development vm network from the VMware image options to use the network with loopback adapter.You can do this using Virtual Network Editor of Vmware. Associate one of the Vmware networks with the loopback adapter.Steps for setting up a network are as follows: To keep the physical connections as few as possible, networking can be done using a virtual network adapter. We first need to set up a working network between Vmware development image and Virtual PC WinCE image. Remote Download&install Using Ethernet Connection ima is the file extension.flp images created by Vmware can be renamed and used with Virtual PC. Note: Floppy image formats of vmware and virtualbox are different. This install mode has not been tried yet but following the steps explained for Vmware will be sufficient to download and install the image using serial connection. Remote Download&install Using Serial Connection iso image after running the virtual machine from the CD menu of the virtual machine window. You can follow the local install steps explained for VMware. Booting the Operating System Local Install We will create our own image to see the kernel and driver debug messages using COM port. This file is a floppy image for the bootloader. You can find the ready Virtual PC image under the VM directory of the packet downloaded from the internet. WinCE Tutorial – 5 – Running WinCE under Virtual PC – 1 Running the Image in Virtual PC

Windows ce 6.0 iso