In many places you can find crates, bags, barrels with materials for building or just filled with food ect, Many NPC camps have been reworked (some npc are friendly now), In Wardtowers, instead of NPCs, you will have to face an army of spiders defending the treasures, In the far north you will meet the Wolf Clan settlement and even further in the frosty cave the Bear Clan has settled, The Crowngrove,the savannah in the west has been changed to green north areas with two lakes and islands suitable for base construction, You know the deserts around Muriela's Hope? Now there are swamps, The savanna area has been enlarged and more enemies have been added to this place, Around Asagarth you can find farms that provide food for the city or watchtowers guarding the borders, The city offers several shops where you can buy food, materials, potions for a few silver or gold coins, New Asagarth has been remodeled to resemble a medieval city in which the masters are Poitain, still WIP, Mod is just my hobby and a way to de-stress after work. Many subscribers use this mod for RP purposes, however, it was never created for that.

There are a lot of such changes, so if you are looking for a mod that will refresh the old map, maybe you've just found something for yourself. You will also find enemies from Siptah here, as well as learn a few things not available on the vanilla map. The mod also changes the balance of the game by placing enemies and resources in other places than before, as well as a new terrain improvements, making previously unfriendly areas now habitable or sometimes even more dangerous :)įor example, it's harder now to get iron because it has been taken from low-lying places and placed into various caves, high cliffs or mines specially designed for this purpose. The changes slowly cover the entire map, so you will come across something new almost everywhere and I hope you will find it interesting. Exiled Lands Extension is a mod that focuses on improving and enriching the base map of the game.