OFFICIAL SIMS 4 BASE GAME XML INJECTOR GET TO WORK / AU TRAVAIL (ONLY FOR CUSTOM EVENT / UNIQUEMENT POUR L'EVENEMENT PERSONNALISÉ) COMPLETE TRANSLATIONS / TRADUCTIONS COMPLETES : FR ENG Hello/Good evening 🥳. To use it in your game, just search for “NightingaleBabies” in Buy Mode. This Mod: Changes the Maxis Normal Lifespan.

The Preschool Mod focuses on your toddlers by giving … 🔆🔆Get to Work is required for this mod! make sure to call the obstetrician before your sim goes to the hospital! 🔆🔆 In labor sims can now take a bath or shower to induce labor, just bath or shower as usual and your sim will get one of the following moodlet when they are done, doing so also speeds up their dilation by a small This career can be divided into two categories: art dealer or art curator. It's hard work to be pregnant, and as the due date approaches, the unthinkable might happen, but not in The Sims 4. LittleMsSam's Sims 4 Mods Hello Simmers! In this video I am going over how to install the ultrasound scan mod for sims 4 I hope this video is helpful to you all! If you enjoyed this f The Sims 4 Mods on CurseForge - The Home for the Best The Sims 4 Mods The Sims is a super successful series of life simulation games, one of the best-sellers of all time. For example, a +1 weight will cause your sim to be "Sad", while a +5 weight will cause them to be "Very Sad". – Sims must WooHoo / try for baby after the mod is installed. When labour starts, click your Sim and select Start Home Birth.

Sims will now get stretch marks in their third trimester in this Sims 4 childbirth mod update! By default, the stretch marks will slowly fade over a period of 3 days after birth but … Nov 2, 2017 It might sound silly but a good amount of my time Read more. In The Sims 4, this isn’t possible before birth – unless you get a mod. There will be several feature updates likely within the next two months (that's my usual process for new mods). Sims have a chance of bringing home an illness from school or work or potentially catching a Cold if they’re cold or wet (not 100% This is a new object (no overrides!), based from the GoldiBox and Unorthobox Gaming Console objects from City Living.