
Arcane mage elvui profile
Arcane mage elvui profile

arcane mage elvui profile

When all cooldowns are ready for use, follow this order of operations to maximize damage during the main " Burst Phase". Arcane Barrage with 4 Arcane Charge with less than 60% mana*.Arcane Missiles with 3 stacks of Clearcasting.Arcane Orb with less than 2 Arcane Charge.#1 being the highest priority to cast if available, otherwise, cast the skill below it. The main rotation for Arcane Mages consists of using a priority system. Arcane Mages are no exception and can front-load a lot of their damage very effectively, the downside to this is that their damage outside of this window is much lower, as they need to conserve mana for when their cooldowns come up again. Many classes now have a number of cooldowns that they can use all at once to increase their damage for a short duration known as a " Burst" or "Burn" phase. Fortunately, it can be broken down into smaller chunks to understand it a little easier.

arcane mage elvui profile arcane mage elvui profile

Getting the most damage out of all your spells and procs, combined with cooldowns and mana conservation will require a fair amount of attention. The rotation for Arcane Mages in Dragonflight can be a rather complicated one.

Arcane mage elvui profile